Sunday, 24 August 2014

Bike & Bean at Durban's beachfront

About this time 3 years ago I last cycled along the beachfront with a friend who lent me his brother’s bike. This time I decided to do it on my own and hire a bicycle from Bike&Bean, this took place yesterday when the weather couldn’t be better; sun and stillness unlike today’s gusty wind. 

It cost R50 per hour and I left my driver’s license for a deposit. After a leisurely 17kms cycle – down just past uShaka Beach, back again to the end of Blue Lagoon and along the Umgeni River until I couldn’t ride any further along the promenade,  back again and a short visit to Moses Mabidha Stadium.

I couldn’t believe I’d cycled for 2 hours. Actually, my extra tender bottom (ouch) forced me to return the bike then, ordered a bean to cappuccino and drank it on the beach while watching the few surfers at eThekweni  Beach attempting to catch the mini waves.

I’d noticed that Circus Circus now offered tables and chairs on the beach sand; about time too! Another eatery caught my eye – if I wasn’t vegetarian I’d definitely try  Afro’s Chicken, see picture below.

So, if anyone hasn’t cycled along Durban’s beach front in years it’s definitely worth a visit now that the promenade down to the Umgeni River is complete and looking good. And I'd highly recommend Bike&Bean for both the service and their beans!

To view images click here: blog/bike-bean-at-durbans-beachfront

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Chasing the sunset

I started through the sugar cane fields and then ended up on the beach, desiring to capture the red ball sink down behind the Mdloti River and I just missed it; too much delirious joy while ‘skiing’ through sand.

I’d never experienced that before – my Jimny (or any other vehicle I’ve driven or been driven in) sliding through soft sand and the enjoyment of trying to control it, which is of course impossible. However, I was alone so deeply mindful of getting stuck and only skirted along the edges of the recently ploughed cane fields.

What a sensation; worth missing the sunset for.

Indeed I’ll be back out there catching the setting sun soon! Perhaps even tomorrow after work.

View images here: blog/chasing-the-sunset