Friday, 2 August 2013

Interested in swapping?

The other evening I put my old DSLR on Gumtree to sell. The following morning I received a phone call asking if he could buy it from me as soon as possible. I agreed.

Next thing my phone went wild with text messages and phone calls with people wanting to know more about my camera.

I received the following WhatsApp message – the same person had tried to call me two seconds earlier, but I was in a meeting and couldn’t take the call – and found it bizarrely humorous.

(Please note: I have not amended Unknown’s grammar deliberately.)

Unknown number: Howsit, is your camera still available?

Nicola: Hi, I have a potential buyer looking at it tomorrow.

Unknown number: Oh ok....what's wrong with the lens?

Nicola: Fungus.

Unknown number: Can you send a pic? Also how bad are they?

Nicola: I will send pics tomorrow, depending on sale – otherwise, I’m giving them away to buyer. They are rather bad...

Unknown number: Ok cool, well let me know. I would be interested in swapping.

Nicola: Swapping what? I have upgraded my camera and that is why I am selling...

Unknown number: I have a CO2 Hand gas gun, it’s a CZ 75 D compact. Awesome gun

Nicola: Please tell me; what on Earth am I going to do with a gun?

Unknown number: It’s a gas gun.... *sends image of a gun* Looks and feels real but shoots steel bb's... Well if you are interested. They are worth the same. So up to you mate. I bought the gun for R1500. So up to you?

Nicola: Sorry, but I want cash. Thanks anyway.

Unknown number: Selling as I am going overseas on holiday and don't have a camera to take pictures with...that's the main reason else I would keep it. Last time I went, I had to use my phone. If you change your mind please let me know. Thanks.

In the end, I met him the potential buyer the next day, handed over the body and three 3 lenses, and accepted cash in hand, which I’ll be putting towards the wide angle, lens fund already started, I could lie my body over smouldering coals for.

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